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Public Sphere Reading Group

The Centre for Enlightenment Studies at King’s (CESK) is coordinating a new interdisciplinary reading group, which will look at Jürgen Habermas’s Structural Transformations of the Public Sphere as well as other texts related to the public sphere theme. An initial organisational meeting is taking place on Wednesday 23 March, from 2 to 3 pm, on MS Teams. Please do come along if you are interested in taking part in the group, and would like to have a voice in shaping its format, timing, and readings. The link for the meeting is below: feel free to pass it on to others who might be interested in participating. MA students, PhD students, academic colleagues, and others with a serious academic-level interest in the area are all very welcome.

Click here to attend the meeting.

March 17

Rethinking the Public Sphere: Enlightenment Messages for the Post-Covid World

March 24

London's Records of Slavery: Network, II.